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Data Collected

Our participants have semi-annual visits at which mSTUDY collects specimens for clinical testing and biorepository storage, issues a clinical exam, and conducts a behavioral assessment. Data from the following measures can be made available for approved sub studies. For more information about the information and specimens we collect, please contact To apply to work with mSTUDY Data email us

Component Procedures
Clinical Medical history
Physical exam, including rectal exam and ROS if indicated
Behavioral Assessment Survey to assess sexual behavior, social networks, drug use, etc.
Urine Collect urine samples for the following tests:

  • Toxicology screen for marijuana, methamphetamine, amphetamine, opiates, cocaine,  and ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)
  • Neisseria gonorrhea (GC)
Blood (~125 mL) Collect blood specimens for the following tests:

  • HIV Antibody (can be done by oral swab Rapid HIV test)
  • HIV PCR RNA for viral load
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • CBC with Diff
  • HCV Antibody
  • HCV RNA PCR, if needed
  • Syphilis RPR (and confirmatory test if needed)
  • T-Cell Panel
  • Plasma and PBMCs from ~60 mL of blood
  • Serum from ~20 mL of blood
  • Whole blood (~4 mL EDTA)
Saliva 1 mL of saliva fluid for storage in bio-repository
Oral Pharyngeal Swab Collect 1 oral pharyngeal swab for the following tests:

  • Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)
  • Neisseria gonorrhea (GC)
Rectal Swabs Self-collect rectal swab for the following tests:

  • Rectal Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)
  • Rectal Neisseria gonorrhea
Hair Approximately 100 strands of hair