About BARC
Mission: The Biobehavioral Assessment and Research Center (BARC) promotes research on high impact science in NIH identified high priority areas of public health research. With a team of multi-disciplinary investigators, we utilize and develop innovative biobehavioral and technological approaches that integrate behavioral measures/markers into intervention studies, prevention trials, and clinical science and incorporate clinical and basic biomarkers into behavioral research and prevention science. The Center works to expand the toolboxes of clinical and behavioral researchers across these divides. The BARC has unique expertise in the areas of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, substance use, HIV clinical care, microbiome/metabalome assessment, epidemiological methods, qualitative assessments and analysis, laboratory-based biomarkers, and mobile technologies. Led by Pamina Gorbach, DrPH, the BARC leverages existing projects and has a proven record of accomplishment of sustained funding from multiple sources. Dr. Gorbach and other Center members are committed to training the next generation of public health researchers and support trainees at different levels. The BARC provides a platform for junior investigators to develop the skills necessary for an independent research career in biobehavioral assessment.
Projects and Programs
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