Grant: 5T32MH080634–15 (Pi: Pamina Gorbach and Judith Currier)
Overview: The goal of our training program was to prepare physicians and social/behavioral scientists for academic research
careers focused on Global HIV/AIDS Prevention.The aims are to increase:
- Behavioral measurement research skills in qualitative and quantitative methods through coursework (regular and
short courses); especially for MD trainees who may do so as part of securing a master’s degree or PhD; - Skills in the application of biomarkers as measurement tools and how to integrate use with behavioral measures
through coursework and special trainings; especially for PhD’s in behavioral sciences, public health, and public policy; - Opportunities for field experience in global HIV/AIDS research;
- Participation in research projects involving multi-disciplinary teams of investigators that model how biobehavioral
research successfully functions between seasoned researchers from behavioral and biomedical fields and within research networks or programs in team science approaches; - Collection of pilot data for primary research study planning;
- Secondary data analyses from mentor’s studies or collaborations leading to publications;
- Training in rigor and responsibility as it applies to research methods and practices;
- Support for research dissemination including presentations at major scientific conferences and publishing as a first author in leading scientific journals; and
- Training in applying for funding from the NIH or other agencies to use in a first faculty or research position
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health