EMERGEncy ID NET: An Emergency Department-Based Emerging Infections Network Grant: 1 U01CK000643 Overview: In response to the 2022 global mpox outbreak, primarily…Read more
Unraveling the intersection of substance use, inflammation, and HIV Grant: R01 DA059291 Overview: This study investigates the intersections of substance use, inflammation,…Read more
Role of the oral microbiome in driving local and systemic inflammation in HIV Grant: R01 DE032624 Overview: This project examines the role of the oral microbiome…Read more
Race and Place: Impacts of Racial Inequality on Substance Use and HIV Outcomes in Los Angeles Grant: 1R01DA061345-01 Overview: This project explores how historical and structural racism continues to…Read more
Cannabis use for medicinal purposes among clinical populations in California: Population estimates of prevalence, frequency, quantity and reasons for use Grant: State of California, Department of Cannabis Control, Cannabis Academic Research Grant Overview: The…Read more
Postdoctoral Training in Global AIDS Prevention Research Grant: 5T32MH080634 - 15 (Pi: Pamina Gorbach and Judith Currier) …Read more
Exploring, Predicting, and Intervening on Long-term Viral suppression Electronically (EPI-LoVE) Grant: RFA-AI-22-024 (PI: Dr. Gorbach) Overview: Despite the widespread availability of…Read more
Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Translational Research on Substance Use (TRSU) Grant: 1P30AI152501-01A1 PI/PD: Dr. Jerome Zack, Dr. Lashonda Spencer, and Dr. Judith Currier The…Read more
mSTUDY: Minority Men Who have Sex With Men Cohort at UCLA Linking Infections Noting Effects (MASCULINE) Grant: U01DA036267 (PI: Dr. Gorbach and Dr. Shoptaw) Overview: The mSTUDY (Men Who…Read more